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Rosa's Story

Born in Mexico, Rosa entered the United States as a young child, arriving in Toledo where she graduated from high school. She is now 24-years-old and was recently detained by the U.S. Border Patrol at a gas station in Toledo. She was scheduled for removal from the U.S. because she could not prove she was here legally. Not knowing what to do, Rosa reached out to ABLE for assistance. Her ABLE attorney determined that Rosa was eligible for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) program and assisted her in completing her application. Once her application was approved, her attorney used the DACA approval as proof to halt the removal proceedings. ABLE advocates also worked with Rosa to apply and obtain a Social Security Number and a driver's license.

Rosa is now proudly working lawfully in the U.S. and is a very active member of her church. She recently purchased a new car, is planning to buy a house in Toledo soon, and is continuing her education through vocational training.

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